November 8th- 1Oth, 2019
FOTOFEVER, 8th edition
at the Carrousel du Louvre, Paris,
For its 8th edition in Paris, fotofever, the first international fair dedicated to the collection of contemporary photography, announces a selection of 100 exhibitors and publishers, 250 artists from 20 countries, gather together at the Carrousel du Louvre between 8 and 10 November 2019.
Since 2011, fotofever showcases and follows emerging contemporary photography artists and encourages collecting photography through its program START TO COLLECT.
fotofever, gender equality in 2020
fotofever showcased 30% of women artists in 2018, 40% in 2019, an important percentage for Cécile Schall, founder and director, committed to reach equality by 2020.
The French art scene in the spotlight
For the 180th anniversary of the invention of photography in France, fotofever has chosen to highlight the vitality of the French art scene: a brand new tour, an introductory space to the fair, thematic talks… Many initiatives dedicated to the French artists and gallerists. By its actions, the fotofever team contributes to make France a country of photography collectors.

The Hive, “starter walls” for young galleries
fotofever proposes for the second year the HIVE, a new section of the fair composed of 40 “starter walls” at a small price, allowing young galleries to participate to their first fair.
The Collector’s Apartment
It has become one of the main fotofever initiatives. The Collector’s Apartment presents a selection of photographs in a decorated interior space at the entrance of the fair. Yuki Baumgarten, Artistic Director, has imagined a new scenography around 6 themes: France, Women, Nature, Architecture, Time and the winners of the fotofever prize 2019.

fotofever, exhibits 3 photo prizes
In 2019, fotofever and the photo lab Dahinden launch the second edition of the fotofever prize, a springboard for young photography talents. It offers to each of the 3 winners: a projection in Arles, the production of their series, an exhibition in fotofever paris and then in a Parisian gallery.
fotofever is also a partner of the Prix Obs pour Les Femmes s’exposent, whose 2019 winner Andrea Olga Mantovani will be exhibited during the fair.
Finally, fotofever conceives and organizes the Eberhard Award around the theme of time. This prize is exclusively opened to artists whose works are exhibited by galleries participating to the 8th edition of fotofever.