2019 — Paris, France
About this series
I gave empty enveloppes to people I know, the only instruction was to send me a secret by mail anonymously. In the next few months, I received, then, numerous texts which I used to imagine different stagings for my photographs. Each of the images I am presenting is the fruit of an implicit collaboration between someone who accepted to share a fragment of his (life) experience. The poetry of the words together with my own protocol are the driving forces of the work that lets the spectator have an inkling of the truth and also of things unsaid. These moments which could be considered of weakness, a kind of ‘in-between’, become a ‘between us’, that is between the author of the text and myself.
Then, whenever these photos are exhibited, I put a pencil, papers and a box in which the spectators are invited to place a secret. Later, I select one I use to create a new image.
Photographer: Julia Amarger
Nationality: French
Based in: Paris, France
Website: http://juliaamarger.com
Instagram: @juliamarger
In her projects, Julia Amarger seizes upon the fragmentary character of memory and of photography to evoke silences, secrets and the unspoken. Her interdisciplinary approach of photography favours her practice of performance and video. After her studies in photography in Argentina, she obtained her Master in Photography and Contemporary art at the university of Paris 8. She regularly exposes her works in France (Fotofever at the Carousel du Louvre 2019, Nuit Blanche de Paris 2018, Maison Robert Doisneau in 2016) as well as in Argentina (Museo de las Mujeres de Cordoba 2017, Espacio Contemporáneo de Arte de Mendoza 2017, Palais de Glace in Buenos Aires 2016).