2008-2019 (ongoing) — Berlin, Germany
About this series
Berlin is a beautiful mix of change and creativity, a constantly evolving playground of exploration.
This series focuses on everyday moments, special ones that might normally be overlooked and neglected. Short glimpses of the city’s inhabitants and its quirks – the things that make Berlin unmistakably Berlin.
Photographer: Kalle Haasum
Nationality: Swedish
Based in: Berlin, Germany
Website: photography.kallehaasum.com
Instagram: @doublecatcat
Kalle Haasum was born and raised in Stockholm. After living a little bit in London and a little longer in Amsterdam he decided to move to Berlin in 2005 and haven’t looked back since.
Kalle graduated from Scandinavias finest Beckmans School of Design and apart from photography he does quite a bit of Creative Direction, exploring the creative triangle of art, design and commerce through sculpture and print works.