2020 — Argentan, France
About this series
It has been such a lovely month of April, with the beauty of nature awakening.
It’s usually a month of bike rides for the parents, beers with friends and barbecues. For Luna, 13 years old, it’s about spending time with her girlfriends. It’s pyjama parties on the weekend, trips to the movies and the everyday life of high school.
But this April, everything is on hold. Everyone is waiting and isolating themselves. Insecurity is in the air.
For Luna, there is a lot of empty space she needs to fill. She looks at her phone, reads mangas and studies for school. She rarely plays with her little brother.
Trying her best to brighten up, she does her hair and tries on different outfits.
This is the portrait of a teenager in France, during the strange month of April 2020.
Photographer: Stephane Guillaume
Nationality: French
Based in: Argentan, France
Website: https://stephaneguillaume.blog
Instagram: @stephane__guillaume